Why choose us as your supplier of precision strip and wire for packaging applications?
Under the Omega Resistance Wire brand, we manufacture and supply a range of speciality nickel chrome and nickel alloy wires to the packaging industry, where it is used for hot cutting wire and for heat sealing applications. Wires may be round or tape, and can be supplied in assemblies ready for use.
Our accreditations are proof that we operate to the highest standards:
BE EN ISO 9001 (Quality Management)
BS EN ISO AS9100 (manufacture of products for Aerospace, Space and Defence)
BS EN ISO AS9120 (stock holding and supply of Aerospace material)
The materials we supply into the packaging industry are:
We also produce numerous special products for the packaging industry including:
Hot cutting wire for EPS and XPS polystyrene
Nickel chrome hot cutting wire
Flat tape nickel chrome for heat sealing
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