Electrical Conductor Cables & Overhead Conductors - Knight Group

Electrical Conductor Cables & Overhead Conductors

We supply electrical conductor cable across a range of industries such as power delivery and the railway transport network. The range includes overhead line conductors (OHLC), return screened conductors (RSC) and earth bonding conductors.

We hold approvals from Network Rail, Eurostar and other major rail suppliers to produce and supply these cables to the rail industry.

Materials include:

Bare copper
Tinned copper
Enamelled copper
Aluminium and aluminium alloy
Steel reinforced aluminium
Insulation, to include PVC, polyester and other specialist coatings

Knight Precision Wire are specialist manufacturers of Wire and Cable and can provide free quotations on your requirements. Please get in touch to arrange this.

We supply the following Network Rail-approved Cable products

Network Rail Certificate of Acceptance PA05/04797.

AAC / AAAC Cables - All Aluminium Conductor / All Aluminium Alloy Conductor

DescriptionOLEMI No.Catalogue No.Nominal CSACODE Names
19/3.25mm Aluminium148/044/998091/010267150

Hornet Bare

19/3.25mm Aluminium Insulated148/046/998091/010318150PVC Hornet

19/3.25mm Hard Drawn Aluminium Insulated PVC Yellow

148/444/998091/030337150PVC Hornet Yellow
19/4.22mm Aluminium148/045/998091/010268250

Cockroach Bare

19/4.22mm Aluminium Insulated

148/047/998091/010319250PVC Cockroach
37/3.78mm Aluminium148/752/998091/030481400Centipede

ACSR - Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced Cable AWAC - Aluminium Covered Steel / Aluminium Conductor

DescriptionOLEMI No.Catalogue No.Nominal CSACODE Names
7/3.95mm AWAC



Copper Flexible Stranded Conductors


OLEMI No.Catalogue No.Nominal CSACODE Names

37/0.104in (37/2.64mm) Copper





19/0.112in (19/2845mm) Copper





37/0.093in (37/2.36mm) Copper





19/3.20mm Hard Drawn Copper




Catenary Wire / Trolley Wire

19/7/0.711 Copper Flexible




Jumper Wire

All data is provided for informational purposes only. In no event will the Knight Group and its subsidiaries, be liable for in respect of any action taken by any third party arising from using the information taken from our online or printed sources. Chemical and Mechanical Properties should not be construed as maximum or minimum values for specifications, nor should information be used to assess suitability for a particular use or application. The information and data provided is deemed to be accurate to the best of our knowledge and may be revised anytime without notice and assume no duty to update